The project is a collaboration with my brother Magnus. What started out as a personal confrontation with our christian upbringing developed into a portrait of man’s faith in God and strange obsession to find “unreached people” (groups of people that has never heard the christian message). In 1963 Sören and Vivianne Stadell traveled to Greenland as missionaries and while there they adopted two children. 40 years later we accompany Sören on one of his mission trips to the distant parts of Siberia still searching for “unreached people”. In addition to our own filmed material the project consists of Sören’s super 8 films and audio tapes from Greenland and the Americas.
With support from Konstnärsnämnden (The Swedish Arts Grants Committee) and Längmanska kulturfonden.

SKULPTURENS HUS Missionären (“The Missionary”) short film filmed in Sweden and Russia in the summer and fall of 2003 and screened at Skulpturens hus in 2004.